With the shift to larger screens and larger batteries in mobile handsets, the space for antennas has been reduced and this has negatively impacted performance. In order to compensate, RF front-ends have countered by delivering an additional 1-2 dB of transmitted power – this has led to the need for RF front-ends with higher power handling
For example, T-Mobile’s High Power User Equipment (HPUE) requires Band 41 RF front-end chains to put out 3dB additional power in order to achieve better cell coverage. In the future, carriers in China could require 5G n41, n78, n77 and n79 to have a similar requirement thus posing a challenge to existing low power filter solutions.
HPUE power requirements are expected to extend to the new 5G spectrum operating in the 2.5 to 5GHz range.
Industry Challenges: Mobile
Demand for higher frequencies and bandwidth
5G RF front-end needs to operate at frequencies higher than traditional sub 2.7GHz
5G frequencies have wider bandwidth requirements compared to existing LTE bands
RF filters need to meet stringent bandwidth, co-existence & power handling requirements
Industry Challenges: WiFi
High frequency coexistence filtering solutions, all in a compact footprint
Proliferation of higher-order MU-MIMO driving number of RF filter placements
Larger bandwidth filtering needs with 802.11ax WiFi 6 and WiFi 6E
Need for compact footprint compared to bulky ceramic options
Need for higher frequency extending to 7.125 GHz filtering options
Industry Challenges: Infrastructure
Overcoming the demand for higher order Massive MIMO & Small Cell deployment
Proliferation of higher-order massive MIMO with active antennas driving number of RF filter placements and need for compact footprint compared to bulky cavity options
A higher need for cost-effective & high-volume SMT manufacturing
Wider bandwidth filtering requirements
Higher power handling requirements 1-10W average
Need for higher frequency, ultra-wideband filtering options meeting stringent spectral masks