XBAW® Technology

Optimizing filter solutions for the future of connectivity

XBAW® is a patented MEMS-based technology optimized to address the most stringent frequency selectivity requirements with superior resonator characteristics ideally suited for frequencies in the range of 2 to 7GHz.

Demonstrated differentiated filter performance by leveraging proprietary MEMS-based process flow on a 6” Si-substrate (scalable to 8”) with a unique wafer process and flexible with respect to piezo material synthesis/composition. This process is compatible with chip, wire-bond, wafer-level packaging (WLP) and allows design-of-experiments (DOE) to explore piezo quality influence on RF filter performance.

XBAW® Technology

Why High Purity AIN Piezoelectric

  • Acoustic properties maintained over wide thickness range enabling high frequency applications
    • Consistently low rocking curve FWHM
    • Consistently high sound velocity measured
  • Enhanced crystal quality drives 40x narrower XRD FWHM (0.028º vs. 1.26º)
  • Single crystal AlN provides enhanced piezoelectric properties (d33,e33)
  • Demonstrated power handling > 10W @ 3.7GHz

XBAW® Technology

Better performance, delivered

Enhanced XBAW® process and material properties with better FOM (k2 * Q) enables differentiated filter performance at frequencies in range 2 to 7 GHz

  • Higher Q-factor makes filter skirts steeper reducing need for lower TCF
  • Higher k2 enables wider bandwidth
  • High acoustic velocity & thermal conductivity enabling higher power handling