XBAW® Excellence
Akoustis’ XBAW® technology is a patented MEMS-based approach that effectively utilizes a transfer process, flexible with piezo material synthesis and composition. Within the frequency spectrum of 1.8 to 8 GHz, XBAW® technology stands out by delivering enhanced material properties and an optimized resonator, resulting in a superior figure of merit (FoM) from coupling and Q factor. XBAW® is compatible with multiple packaging technologies to enable small-scale footprints, such as chip-scale and wafer-level-packaging (WLP). This innovation in RF filtering delivers robust power handling capabilities and accommodates the design of larger bandwidth filters for Wi-Fi, 5G mobile and infrastructure, automotive, and defense applications. As the push for higher frequencies continues to increase to meet the demands of RF communications, Akoustis has achieved a monumental milestone in its introduction of XP3F BAW technology.
Increasing XBAW® Technology Capabilities with XP3F
XP3F technology emerges as an evolution of XBAW®, designed to overcome traditional BAW frequency scaling performance tradeoffs. XP3F builds upon the successes of XBAW® including features like a developmental multi-layer piezo stack that improves signal performance, extends frequencies, and operates with higher power handling capabilities.
XP3F in Action
XP3F provides high-frequency BAW resonators with a high Q factor for low loss and high selectivity, as well as a high electromechanical coupling (kt2) for wide bandwidth. This innovation addresses the higher frequency spectrum, from 8 to 20 GHz, and applications including radar, SATCOM, 6G, and NTN backhaul. It is an ideal BAW technology suitable for the emerging mobile FR3 spectrum.

In summary, Akoustis continues to be a technology leader with its new XP3F development. XP3F demonstrates better performance in a high-volume manufacturable process for applications in the X-band and Ku-band frequency range.